6 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When i was watching this episode for the first attempt, I was under the impression that Forbes imagination created two co-Pilots(Gart and HAARINGTON!) to escape the loneliness of space-mission("Where is everybody"). But the ending proved me wrong. It was like that the three astronauts and their ship were deleted from reality like " we delete files from computer", leaving no trace whatsoever. Fortunately, I get to read the plot "Remember me" from Star Trek episode. The plot helped me to make some head and tails of this weird episode. So here is what i think a plausible explanation. Three astronauts and their ship accidentally crashed into an "Alternate universe", where the ship and its crew never existed in the first place. The universe accomodated them for some time and then started erasing their existence one by one("We do not belong here","Somebody or something let us through"). There is also a Medical officer visiting the room "15" with the nurse right after "Gart" disappeared. Perhaps, he was supposed to visit "Gart".
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