Nudity Can't Save This One
5 April 2010
Adult Version of Jekyll & Hyde, The (1972)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

The title pretty much tells you all you need to know in this David Friedman produced sexploitation pic. Dr. Leder (Jack Buddliner) is in an antique store when he discovers the notes of Dr. Jekyll. He takes them home, does a few experiments and soon finds himself raping and killing women. Soon the good/bad doctor ends up turning himself into a woman (Jane Louise) who also goes on a sex hunt. Hammer did a similar film the previous year with much better results if you're actually wanting a decent attempt at making a movie. This thing here is clearly not trying to be "good" but instead just trying to keep the viewer interested for 90-minutes while a variety of women get undressed. This film was a major chore to sit through because it runs way too long and there isn't a single original idea to be found here. This is a sexploitation picture so you know there's not going to be too much plot but the direction is quite sluggish and makes the film drag. Lead actor Buddliner is incredibly bad in the part and isn't the least bit interesting or entertaining. What's worse is that the screenplay could have had fun with the male to female thing but the writing never even attempts anything. Instead we get one sex scene after another, which isn't a bad thing in small doses but in this film they just keep coming and getting slower with each new one. The women here are extremely beautiful as we get some natural ones as well as some that prove actresses were getting breast implants in the 70s. Future porn star Rene Bond appears as a secretary here and she's clearly the best thing in terms of nudity and acting (believe it or not).
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