Jungle Boogie
4 April 2010
Thousands of years ago, six jungle women and their pet panther go on a hunt for men, so that their tribe can continue for a new generation. They mate-minded women battle to defeat four men, who are out hunting a tiger. After their fight, female leader Laurette Luez (as Tigri) succeeds in making three of the men sex slaves (alas, this part isn't fully shown). Meanwhile, men-folk leader Allan Nixon (as Engor) vows to recapture his cave-dwelling pals, and in turn make the women slaves. And, the rest, as they say, is history. In faded color, and narrated throughout, "Prehistoric Women" never gets hot, although the hero does get to "invent" fire.

** Prehistoric Women (11/1/50) Gregg C. Tallas ~ Laurette Luez, Allan Nixon, Joan Shawlee, Mara Lynn
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