Crappy Asylum film is still better than crappy Keanu Reeves blockbuster
4 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Six hundred and sixty-six huge robots from outer space land in strategic locales all over Earth wanting humanity to prove it's worth in the grand order of things or face certain annihilation. The robots don't ever say this outright (other then a few reactive strikes, they don't really do much of anything truth be told), but two other alien visitors, a guy & girl, let the military (as well as the viewer) know what's going on.

As far as movies from The Asylum go, this is among the cream of the crop. This isn't because the film is any good whatsoever, mind you, just that the other swill that the company usually makes is so mind-numbingly God awful that the bar for them has been so vastly lowered as to make this seem better than it is. C. Thomas Howell continues his descent into sub-mediocrity with his continued part in these awful films, while Judd Nelson should've really known better. Really the only saving grace is Sinead and after her nude scenes are done (she has two very early on in the film) there's really no other reason to keep watching the movie.

However it's STILL better then that crap big blockbuster Keanu Reeves travesty

Eye Candy: Sinead McCafferty provides the T&A (there's also some man ass)

My Grade: D

Where i saw it: Instant Netflix via X-box 369
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