Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010 Video Game)
Bad Company 2: Pro's and Con's
1 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off ever since the release of Bad Company in 2008, I have been long awaiting Bad Company 2. I bought it the day it was released, and played it as soon as I got home. My first impressions were that it did actually exceed MW2, but that soon changed.

THE GOOD: Sound effects, were absolutely amazing, probably due the the fact Dolby helped out with the title. Best sound effects of any game to date. I even found myself shooting guns or blowing up barrels just to listen noise they make. But who cares about sound effects? If you have played this you will be that person.

Gameplay/controls, the general game-play is amazing also. The guns and player movement react how they would in real life. There is none of this super jump rubbish or cheap knife stabbing you may or may not see in MW2. The whole feel of the game is incredible, so good work to the makers on that.

Characters, one of the first games where the characters are not super serious. This is mainly because they all want to go home. Unlike in MW2 you'll find them joking around not really caring about whats happening. But as you can see this is in the 'GOOD' section, quite frankly because its very enjoyable. You'll find yourself smiling at the interesting dialog, which does tent to brighten up the cut scenes. The characters even complement you on kills. They have kept the same humor as Bad Company, but have tuned it to a more realistic level.

Weapon box, here is an excellent idea that i believe every war game should use. Throughout levels you will find a box which contains ALL the weapons you have discovered. This does kill the variety of weapons because you will generally find yourself using the same ones all the time. But its still a fairly good idea, or maybe just change.

Destruction, a new addition to the game is being able to destroy vertually anything. If you have enough firepower you can destroy practically every building in the game. You can ever hear buildings creaking and moving just before they crash to the ground. But in comparison to Red Faction: Guerilla, its not as good, solely because most of the time you don't have enough fire power to destroy a building, so most the time you wont bother.

THE BAD: Campaign, now the missions are fairly short, much shorter than Bad Company. And unlike Modern Warfare 2, the story and action is fairly boring. I found myself looking at the roof while the cut scenes were playing due to the fact you cant skip them, even when you've finished the campaign. Their is no 'cool' action like in MW2 but the story is well thought out, but really lacks excitement. Im MW2 you'll been seen saving hostages, sniping from a helicopter, and killing your enemy with a knife to the eye. The most you'll do in Bad Company 2 us uhh, cant think of anything, just shooting the Bad guys. Also the re-playability is poor, unlike MW2, once you have finished the game you will most likely not particularly want to play it again. There are no rewards for completing the campaign on 'hard' either.

Multiplayer, well for starters there is none. Well not for me anyway since I don't have live. So i cant comment on this, but it would be good if they had included an offline multi-player, which MW2 excels in.

Weapons/vehicles, there is a small, dare I say, boring range of guns. I find myself using the same weapons throughout the whole campaign. There are not as many vehicles are the previous Bad Company, and in BC2 campaign, you cant even fly a helicopter. Most the time your team mates are driving the vehicles for you. So yeah it lacks ab-it here also. But when you drive or fire the weapons, it does feel good.

Then why have I rated this 7/10? When clearly the bad out ways the good. But that is not true, the 'feel' of the game is incredible. You wont know what I'm talking about until you have played it. But it is that good, and enjoyable to play I would recommend this game to any war game player. Especially those who have enjoyed the previous Bad Company. It's not as good as Modern Warfare 2, but if the makers keep making games at this quality, Call of Duty better watch its back.
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