Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Collaborator (1994)
Season 2, Episode 24
Time for a new Kai
1 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As the time approaches for Bajor to elect a new Kai, the most likely candidate is Vedek Bareil, known to be the personal choice of the former Kai and a very close friend of Major Kira. When a man who collaborated with the Cardassians is caught trying to get back to Bajor he claims that Bareil may have been involved in an act of treason which led to the deaths of many Bajoran rebels. When Vedek Winn invites Kira to investigated the claims she accepts expecting that as the evidence emerges it will prove her friend's innocence. As her investigations go deeper she is shocked to discover that the evidence suggests that Bareil was indeed guilty of treason.

While this episode didn't contain any real action it was an interesting look at the religious politics of Bajor and had a rather surprising twist at the end. Louise Fletcher does a good job as Winn despite being a relatively minor character at this point in the series.
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