Armored (2009)
Boys Gone Bad
29 March 2010
This is one of those films (and there are too many of them) in which if you looked back over the things you saw, you'd find a million holes. I'm not sure I'd watch it again, but I'm not sorry I rented it, either. It was good escapism for an hour-and-a-half. It's no award-winner but it is not as bad as many people here portray it. It entertains.

Wow, did this movie get intense. It took awhile but when the heist began, and something went wrong, the rest of the film began to get incredibly suspenseful. A homeless man witnesses these men stashing the loot, the self-professed "good guys" (who are stealing $42 million) panic and shoot the man. Now one of the men in the heist turns on the others because he doesn't like this murder business. He did not sign up for this and, in fact, was reluctant about being part of the robbery, anyway.

The rest of the movie is the battle between that guy - "Ty Hackett" (Columbus Short) - and the rest of his gang of security men-gone bad. It reminded me of the brutal 1992 movie "Trespass" where a long intense battle scene was waged in a abandoned building. This turned out to be "Trespass 2." The cast was good in here and had some big names like Matt Dillon, Laurence Fishburne, Jean Reno and one of my favorites from years' past: Fred Ward, yet only Dillon made much of an impact.

This is a guy's movie; no women and a lot of violence, tough people and some blood-and-guts. It ain't "Tinker Bell." It definitely was entertaining and decently-photographed but had a "B" feel to it, which shouldn't have happened. As I said, it's worth a rental, and that's it.
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