there's something strangely likable about this waif of a movie
27 March 2010
A tale of three sword-wielding super-geeks who believe they've stumbled upon evidence that Bigfoot lives in the woods outside of town, "The Sasquatch Gang" is so goofy and good-natured in its demeanor and tone that only a complete curmudgeon would be mean enough to criticize it.

Jeremy Sumpter (of TV's "Friday Night Lights") leads the trio of mono-toned, monosyllabic nerds who regularly suffer the slings and arrows (or, more accurately, paint-ball guns) of the even more zonked-out and inarticulate town bullies, led by Justin Long.

The movie has just enough wit, tenderness and charm to overcome some of its essential blandness, and its portrayal of first love can be really quite endearing at times. However, the movie is considerably less successful when it goes for the broadly comic, becoming merely juvenile and silly at such moments.

Concerned parents should note that "The Sasquatch Gang" is more than appropriate for a pre-teen/early teen audience (think of it as the "clean" version of "Superbad" or "Revenge of the Nerds"). Anyone older than that, however, may find it a bit too much on the innocuous side to be worth their time or money.
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