one of the most dark and disturbing movie in Indian cinema
20 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
well,despite being called a movie buff this was first ever time i watched first day first show of any movie and every effort was worth it,intrigued by the film title 'LSD' which is quite similar to the famous 60s drug LSD my first impression was the movie has something to do with drugs+love+sex+betrayal=youth though i was right the movie has everything sans the drugs.the whole movie is shot with hand-held or CCTV camera which gives it a very shaky and grungy look. Though the concept of movie being shot with hand-held camera is quite common in Hollywood and European cinema but these movies are either not available on Dvds or Indian viewers are just not interested in this form of movie-making.the movie has three different stories based on the same concept as the title suggests which later on intertwine towards the end..arguably this movie could well be called darkest movie of Indian cinema as first two of the 3 stories end up on a rather disturbing note.some of the scenes in the movie are brilliantly shot ..the brutally beating and chopping off the bodies of the two lovers with an Axe in the first story being one.the scene shook the spook out of me and as it seems is very much inspired from Gaspar Noe's 'irreversible's cylinder bashing scene.

Actors in the movie are a bunch of nobodies..doing their first movie but no-one lets you down.Each one of the characters has done considerably well .director Dibakar Bannerjee as it seems is on a mission to break every cliché about how movies in India should be made or seen for that matter.After 'khosla K ghosla and 'oye lucky oye' LSD has cemented a berth for him in front row of the top directors.the most talented director after anurag kashyap i would say LSD might not make it big on box office it sure will have a cult following from those crooked minds who just want to lay their hands on everything that has something new to offer.i would give it an 8/10

two thumbs way up for dibakar bannerjee..!!
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