An Adventurous Automobile Trip
20 March 2010
Adventurous Automobile Trip, An (1905)

*** (out of 4)

aka Le Raid Paris --Carlo en deux heures

Extremely entertaining work from Melies has a man wanting to get from Paris to Monte Carlo but the train is going to take him seventeen-hours so he agrees to go with another man with a special car that will get him there in two. That's pretty much the story to this 10-minute gem that contains some very good imagination from the French director as well as a couple great jokes re-used from previous movies. What I enjoyed most about this film is its pacing that's extremely good and certainly a lot better than some of the previous long films from Melies. The movie has a great flow that really allows the viewer to get caught up in what's going on and this certainly helps with the charm. One of the highlights of the film are when the men are filling up the car and they go to leave they accidentally have the car in reverse and run a man over. It smashes him like a pancake but they leave behind on air pump and you know what's going to happen from here. The special effects still hold up pretty well and the drive through the mountains in priceless. This here isn't one of the director's best known works but it deserves to be.
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