What did you expect?
18 March 2010
This is definitely a movie for either the first-timer who knows nothing about the Monkees, or the person who liked them when young and wants a quick trip down memory lane.

For the die-hard fan (like myself) it will probably be a waste of time. I did not necessarily consider it such; it was entertaining and contained quite a bit of accurate information. The actors were spot-on and the portrayals of the real group were eerily accurate--right down to mannerisms! Many people reviewing this movie were grumbling about this and that...whilst watching please remember this is a MOVIE, not a bio-pic. This was (I believe) the main reason for throwing in all the 're-enactments' of the TV shows, movie, videos and concerts.

Not a must-see for die-hards, but entertaining and worth watching!
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