Someone should make a film about how Albert Pyun and John Laing robbed Guam in the making of this turd
11 March 2010
Hack Film Director Albert Pyun and Hack Movie Producer John Laing lay a turd. The backstory of how this pile of garbage got made is 100 million times more interesting then the film itself: both Pyun and Laing convinced the Guam Government to put up an $800,000 loan guaranty to make the film, then they defaulted on the film loan, stiffing the citizens of Guam. The film is painfully boring, not even interesting in a fun kinda so-bad-it's-good way. It just flat out sucks. It's out of focus most of the time, the acting stinks, the writing could have come from a 1st-grader and on and on. Don't waste your money. Someone ought to make a movie about how Albert Pyun and John Laing robbed the Island of Guam in the making of this film.
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