Monster Ark (2008 TV Movie)
Oscar for best Bulgarian Film
8 March 2010
If Amanda reads this please get in touch with me because your agent is either Bulgarian or a total retard or both.

Not sure what church funded this crap, Amanda Crew really was a waste in this. All I can say is don't bother wasting your time with this "film".

The story starts out weak, mixed with poor writing, the script seems lost at best and the whole notion that God is real and that we should believe because , well not sure why but I am sure it was in the story somewhere. I can not understand the actors in such a movie, I mean did they not read the script or did someone need beer money or rent money or what????

The special effects were really incredible.....bad. The fake chopper was the start and the monster was the end. The FX studio being Bulgarian probably explains it.

The only good thing about this film was Tiny's character. I think he did need the beer money but was the only actor who realized it and had some fun with his role. Amanda crew probably walked off the set and the script had to make her character disappear very quickly.

This film should win an Oscar for best film shot in Bulgaria.
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