Skyrunners (2009 TV Movie)
Fun movie
8 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So much negative reviews and that for a movie that is really OK. Keep in mind that this is a TV movie and not some big theater production, which, in my opinion, makes a really big difference. and for a TV movie this one was pretty cool.

Two brothers find this UFO which alters their life, one a bit more than the other and gets them in trouble. I was really amazed (still am by the way) by the growth and aging of Joey Pollari in the movie. i don't know how they did that, but they did a great job.

Blatz and Polari did a great job on this movie. True, some of it is predictable. You just see it coming that the scary agent really has something bad to hide, Blatz and Pollari get the girl and of course Blatz graduates. No surprises there.

But the characters where believable. The mother was a bit weird and over the top, but the bond between the brothers was real. Blatz did a great job as the somewhat ordinary fun guy who is chasing after the amazing girl and Pollari was fun as the younger brother who is just freaking out. The story shows how two boys with ordinary troubles have to deal with something extraordinary interfering.

Honestly, don't try to make to much out of it. It is a teen movie, with a simple, sometimes a bit predictable, plot. It will never win an Oscar, but it is not trying to. I think that the people who wrote a negative review take this movie to seriously. Take it for what it is. Just a fun movie about to boys about to have an adventure we all secretly dream about. Do that and you'll see that it's a fun ride.
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