Sexy Night Report
5 March 2010
Sexy Night Report (1977)

** (out of 4)

Silly but entertaining Mondo movie has Laura Gemser introducing us to various strip clubs across the world where various strange acts take place. We get to see acts such as a magic trick that turns a woman into a man, a stripper a little too attached to her dog, nude roller skating, a strip act for lesbians only, an African tribe dance plus an even stranger one with an ape falling for the stripper. From what I've read, D'Amato directed the narration and introductions with Gemser while the one and only Mattei stepped in to film everything else. This is probably true as the strip scenes, which are suppose to be taking place all over the world, are often obviously being filmed on the same set. I viewed the complete, uncut Italian print, which didn't feature any subtitles but it wasn't too hard following everything that was going on and I'm fairly certain whatever dialogue that was written would have been silly anyways. The movie is pretty much what you'd expect from something like this with the sleaze level rather low but the nudity is very high. The stories are all mildly entertaining but if you want to see women naked then I guess the stories aren't too important. I found the nude skating to be rather funny and the dog sequence was pretty disturbing even though nothing ever crosses the line (good thing D'Amato didn't direct this!). Other highlights include a stripper teaching a class on sex dolls and some silly stuff dealing with the magician and his incredibly bad magic trick. Fans of Mondo movies will be the only ones even tempted to check this thing out as I'm sure most will be put off by the camp factor and the all around cheese. Gemser fans will be happy to know she takes her clothes off for several of her scenes.
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