Screen Two: Northanger Abbey (1987)
Season 3, Episode 7
1986 vs 2007
4 March 2010
I'd like to begin my review with the notion that I have not read the actual novel, but have seen the 2007 BBC version of Northanger Abbey, which I enjoyed exceedingly. Northanger Abbey is probably closest to Brontë's style out of all the other works by Austen. Darker in tone yet remaining romantic and mischievous in the true Austen spirit.

What I found most disagreeable with the 1986 version, first off, was the soundtrack. 80's electric guitar in period Austen drama, seriously?! The obvious influence of the time of filming in clothing, hair and make-up I can bear, but the electric guitar? No.

Secondly, I was not impressed by some of the performances. I think that, for the most part, actors did well, considering what the script was obviously going for. However, I was disappointed in Peter Firth as Henry Tilney. In the beginning, he appears as Austen had probably intended him to. Elegant and genteel but slightly impish. I loved the warm smile he flashes at Catherine when they first meet. Henry is supposed to be slightly more cultivated and grown compared to Catherine, somewhat brother-like, and tease her for being the silly young girl she is. In the 2007 version, JJ Field's Henry truly gives the impression that he is caring even though he takes much delight in the fact that Catherine takes him far too seriously for her own good. Henry seems affectionate towards Catherine, but not necessarily romantically interested. In comparison, Peter Firth complete over-acts his Henry with the extremely obvious long ogles at Catherine and exaggerated gestures. Peter Firth seems to sneer rather than jest at her. There's no chemistry. Catherine appears ignorant and naive and Henry cynical and sardonic. In the 1986 version, Henry is slick toady who's little mean to Catherine. It just doesn't work. And Peter Firth just simply does not have the commanding authority (what Henry is supposed to have) in presence as JJ Field genuinely has.

Thirdly, I think there was overall some problems with the casting (my god, did they not have attractive men back in the 80's!). I did not care for the script for the 1986 version having seen the 2007 version, which works better in every department. In the 1986 all the characters have no depth to speak of, they are plainly good or bad. In the 2007, the viewer is kept guessing of the characters' intentions.

Recommended to obsessive Austen fans, for others, please see the 2007 version.
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