Boy Meets Girl (II) (1998)
Beautiful tale of romance and its absurdity
2 March 2010
This whole movie contains an underlying vibe of comedic moments interspersed with an anticipation of the personalities involved learning to and falling in love. It has this feeling running throughout, and captured perfectly in both the writing and directing.

The main characters are very obvious, and the supporting roles really enhance and drive the story, but seemingly they create a vivid picture that is so lacking in many 'romantic comedy' type movies.

It is a serene experience watching this movie. I seldom find a blemish free movie. But i have to say this is a gem. The music is great and there are some fantastic segments capturing the magic and vitality of love. Bliss.

You can switch it on, and forget the world with this one. ( If only a DVD would come out, you would not need to keep rewinding & wearing out the video tape... )
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