General Nil (2009)
Mr.Ryszard Bugajski's film depicts that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
26 February 2010
It is true that in recent times some outstanding Polish films about war have been made.However,it would not be advisable to suggest that their filming has started a new trend of films about war.This is the case with films made by two giant figures of Polish cinema Mr.Andrzej Wajda and Mr.Ryszard Bugajski.It is just a mere coincidence that they have made "Katyn" and "General Nil" at a time when war films are not so much a trend neither in Polish cinema nor in European cinema.General Nil is an important film for people of all nations.This is because there is hardly any country in the world which has not been touched by ghastly horrors of war.Young people all over the world could well become the biggest beneficiaries of pertinent ideas related to humanism and individual freedom as shown in "General Nil" as they are the ones who have little or no idea about sacrifices made by people like General Nil in the past to get freedom.Mr.Bugajski has made a wonderful film which would easily serve as a good lesson about Polish history.Those who have seen Mr.Bugajski's masterpiece Przesluchanie (The Interrogation) starring great Polish cinema actress Ms.Krystyna Janda will be pleased with "General Nil" as both these films remarkably depict turbulent times witnessed by innocent Polish people at hands of despicable communist party men who has no qualms about inflicting heart rending atrocities.Film critic Lalit Rao spoke at length with Mr.Ryszard Bugaski during 14th International Film Festival of Kerala where "General Nil" was screened to packed houses.
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