A boring, cheesy movie with a great premise that doesn't deliver
23 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, maybe I'm being a bit hard on this movie as it is from the 1950's, but still. The main character, a doctor, could have been played by a block of wood, with the same level of emotions and depth. This movie is about pods that replicate humans without emotion in order to take over. This movie was remade as The Invasion recently. Anyways, back to the 50's. The premise sounds good, but it actually isn't, seems these pods can just take the form of people and when you sleep, they just suck your mind out. Wait, What!!! ridiculous, and then you are possessed and they burn the replica, convenient. The doctor and his friends and girlfriend attempt to solve the mystery of why people are acting funny in town, and overacted performances are everywhere. Women screaming, and a voice over that makes it seem like some sort of film noir. A love interest between the doc and his girl is a secondary plot line, giving the director an excuse to throw millions of horribly cheesy lines at us again and again. These lines are grimace inducing, you could make nachos out of them, lots of nachos. And according to the trivia on this website, they had to add on the alternate ending. I for one think that is a good thing because otherwise, you would have some open ended thing like some terrible modern movie like children of men.
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