Do We Love Lucy, Desi, Babalou, Cuban Pete or All of this ?
21 February 2010
To me this is the First SNL that totally hits stride in Season 1. The reason is the amazing energy of Desi Arnaz who at this time is in his late 50's. For some reason, the regular cast seems to feed off the amazing energy he shows on this show.

A lot of the bits on this show still hit the mark. Desi is helped by his son Desi Jr and the send-ups of I Love Lucy & especially The Untouchables really hit the mark. Gilda Radner is terrific in doing a mock send-up of Lucy. The week-end update segment is great though we are still waiting to see Rita Chase.

When I watch this, it seems to me the Not-Ready For Prime Time Players really used Desi's stage presence as an influence as they seem more confident on this episode than any prior one I have watched. The closing of the program with Arnaz's trademark Babloa & especially when they pull back the cameras & Desi leads the entire studio cast into a conga line is the strongest closing of the series.

A very touching moment on live TV in the closing is Desi saying "Goodnight Lucy" & Desi Jr. saying "Goodnight Mom". It is a moment which happens rarely on TV as a kind of dedication to the past. Not to be missed here too is Desi playing a Cuban Accupunture Doctor with John Belushi as his patient. This a funny sketch in a very strong show.
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