The Broken (2008)
Good stuff
19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I would classify this movie as a horror only because of a certain gory bathroom scene. Otherwise, it is rather a psychological thriller topped with a great amount of fantasy. I extremely loved the concept of the creepy body invaders as well as the mysteriously breaking mirrors that just added up to the eerie atmosphere.

Occasionally, I felt the movie to be a wee bit repetitive, showing the accident from various angles over and over again and the story was also quite easy to puzzle out after a while. However, these factors do not make the movie less enjoyable. Also, many complained about the slow pace and the lack of "action" but honestly, I liked the fact that the film wasn't filled up with unnecessary carnage and slaughter and that thanks to the slow flowing of the movie I had time to contemplate on what was going on instead of getting ready-made answers, even though towards the end everything became pretty obvious, if one payed close attention.

All in all, it was a good suspense movie and I wouldn't mind watching it again.
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