Senior Skip Day (2008 Video)
Standard high-school teen comedy
14 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Adam Harris is not the most popular guy at high school. And he really hits a new low when he accidentally reveals the whereabouts of the senior skip day party to the principal. But he narrowly escapes a beating from the entire senior class by tricking the principal to give them the day off. And then he have to arrange the party at his own house. But that might be harder than you think when no one really likes you. But with a few lingerie-models, a lot of alcohol, and the wonder that is picture messaging soon the entire class is at Adam's. With that feat accomplished, he might also have a shot at the girl of his dreams.

Comments: Not much to say really. This is a average comedy made for high school teenagers, and probably most boys, using all the standard steps. Get a standard story that has been done before, say, an underdog that must win the heart of the school's most beautiful girl from the most popular guy. Throw in a couple of low jokes (some are a little funny though), mainly about sex and drugs, and a little nudity and you're done.

It is not really bad at what it aim to do, but some effort to make something new or at least adding some twist or surprise development would have been nice. Instead this movie goes for predictability and familiarity. Unfortunately for me, I require a little more to take a liking to a movie. Not that I expected much else.

How Tara Reid and above all Lea Thompson got mixed up in this is the only surprising element of the movie. But I guessed they got paid relatively well to add some credibility and star power to the movie, because they are not really in the movie, but for a few scenes.

Don't expect too much, and you won't be too disappointed. I didn't and I wasn't, but I still feel that I could have spent the time better, or watching something else. Totally forgettable.

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