Review of Superstau

Superstau (1991)
Instant classic - non-Germans will probably not get a single one of the jokes, though
14 February 2010
Michael Moore once wrote that you could learn everything you needed to know about contemporary America from "Dude, where's my car". This movie does exactly that for early nineties Germany.

Chock full of every single German stereotype (from the inside) you can imagine, and brilliantly played, too. Probably the last truly original and authentic German comedy that was ever made.

People who have not lived in Germany for any significant amount of time or are under 20 or over 60 will probably not get anything at all from this movie but those who are will probably laugh-out-loud enjoy it non-stop.

I would also like to concur with the other commenter who called this movie non-intellectual: This is social satire at its very best, funny as hell completely without having to resort to the depths of fart jokes and the like.

Oh, and did I mention it's highly quotable, too? Those who've seen it will probably be able to lead entire conversations completely comprised of lines from the movie.
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