La Habanera (1937)
This is one of the many good Zarah Leander films
13 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The United States in 1937 never saw this premiere cause her first film was premiered in the U. S. A. Qoatas you see.Released by medium corp catting company Kino On Video, who wont explore moderately the other stars of Germany, like Marika Rokk, Cause they are greedy.But this comes with subtitles. Pleas remember Goebells wanted to make sure all the Nazi Ideology was put even in the escapist films. This film does have propaganda in it. I'll tell you later. Fans of propaganda won't be disappointed. Astree,played by Zarah Leander,is visiting Peurtorico with her mean stuffy Aunt who's messing up the trip up.At a bull fight she meets Don Pedro Avila,played by bad guy actor Ferdinand Marian of Jude Suss in fame. She needs to escape from her stuffy Aunt So she leave's the boat and marry's Don. Now back in Sweden she's having a party with a bunch a doctors.Karl Martel,who also starred in Damals 1942,playes Dr Sven Nagel and his Dr. Friend Goemez.They are talking about a serious disease that is spreading in Purtorico. Later on Zarah has had a child, a son. Don and Astree now are fighting like typical married couples. He's complaining about how she does not let him take his son to the bull fights and how she's turning him into a Swede.She wants out and wants to go home.Well the disease is breaking out in Puertorico. Dr. Sven and his friend Goemez goes up their to meet his ex girl friend and to find a cure. This movie had subtitles but still I couldn't understand the story.Seh had already try to by a ticket to go back to Sweden Even don expresses his love for her and want's to go back with her. But she decides to stay cause she wants to face the crises of her marriage seriously. Martel finally meets her after so many years . He and his assistant has come up with the cure. She wants to leave him,Don.He eventually succumbs to the illness and die's. He tried to have the doctors arrested but fail. She and her son goes back with Sven.Boy did I learned more about the German language and letters from one of the songs she sang. Hers's the propaganda.It's anti Puertorican. The chauffeur wears a flower on his ear. They all sing the same songs.Her aunt back home complains about the Americans not coming up with the cure.Anti American. The disease is all of Hitlers Enemies.Martel's Dr. friend looks like Hitler. Sven and Gomez symbolizes Gobels working to get rid of the disease as a means getting rid of their enemies who prevents them from controlling the world.Astee is Swedish. Sweden was in sympathy of Nazi Germany.Her son is blond. Aryanism. Don Avial get's the disease. Purtorico is cause of the disease. This is the propaganda. Poor Doug was force to make the film this way.This isn't the only good Zarah film. Banned by broadcast cable, in America , due to Zarah working in the third Reich and Hitlers Mustache in the movie t.v. due to Zarah and the mustache.
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