Supernatural: My Bloody Valentine (2010)
Season 5, Episode 14
'Roses are red, violets are blue, chocolate is good, but instead I think I'll eat you'...
12 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Think they'll put that^ on a Valentine's Day card? In Hell, maybe.

Talk about a raunchy/gory teaser. Too bad the show already used the title 'Sex and Violence' in Season 4, as it would have been very appropriate for this episode (especially with the blood literally shooting up from the ground. Eating each other while screwing? Nasty!). Though nice shout-out - with the title of this episode being 'My Bloody Valentine' - to that movie Jensen starred in by the same name.

Sam telling Dean to "unleash the Kraken" was amusing, as was what Dean calls Valentine's Day ("Unattached Drifter Christmas"). Good on Sam for being able to tell something was wrong with Dean (when he appeared not in the mood for bars full of lonely women).

The lady in red, Janice, all too casually pulling out a gun and shooting that guy, thus putting an end to his annoying whipping sound effects? THAT was awesome! Shut him right the hell up (and made all the more amusing by the delayed reaction of his leg dropping down).

Sam/Jared's facial expression upon walking by that suited guy in slow-mo? Also amusing, but for a whole different reason (probably not intentional). Glad to see Dean still had a sense of humour about him (despite his glum first scene), with him passing the heart to Sam and asking him to be his valentine. Also funny was Dean on the phone to Castiel, then Castiel suddenly appearing in front of Dean right up in his face and their exchange of "I'm there now.", "Yeah, I get that.", "I'm gonna hang" with the echo of Dean's voice heard through the phone as he said "Right.". Then the funny kept on coming with Dean asking if, by "cherub", Castiel meant "little flying fat kid in diapers" and Castiel clarified, "They're not incontinent.". After Castiel explained everything, Sam's "Naturally." and Dean's sniff/facial expression as he said "'Course we do." were the perfect way to end the scene.

Again, Sam was able to tell something was up with Dean when he "wasn't hungry" (which shows he knows his brother fairly well). The facial expressions exchanged when Castiel took Dean's burger and was about to eat it were highly amusing. Poor Dean - being grabbed from behind by a big giant naked guy and shaken about. Then poor Castiel, as well as Sam (loved seeing him turn and try to get away). I can understand why "no one likes it" (in regards to Cupid's way of shaking hands). I liked Dean's flinching as Cupid passed by him, crying, and then Sam and Dean voting Castiel to go console the cherub. I also liked Sam and Dean's expressions of encouragement to him. What I DIDN'T like was the revelation of John and Mary being fixed up by Heaven and Sam and Dean's birth being a plan and all that crap. Way to rewrite things, show. Can't blame Dean for punching the jerk (despite the futility of it), just as I can't blame Sam's second take after Dean's "I punched a d!ck!".

Castiel eating was constantly funny. I liked that he mentioned Jimmy (I guess getting exploded in the premiere means nothing and Jimmy's still alive in there). Decrepit old Famine and his posse of suited-up, sunglasses-wearing goons in black cars looked like they were out of some vampire film. Speaking of vampires...Jared did a good job with his delivery of "Wait your turn." to the demon he flung away after drinking the other demon's blood.

The stand-out scenes for both Jared and Jensen were at the end of the episode. Jared wasn't even on screen, but *hearing* him going through the demon blood detoxing again sounded horrible/painful as all get- out. Jared really knows how to convey pain and agony. As if it wasn't terrible enough for Sam (as well as Dean) to have to go through last season, going through it again was just...well...I completely understand how utterly tired/defeated Dean looked and sounded at the very end of the episode. Him begging for help - that was some excellent acting from Jensen there (but then, he's always good). I like how they're using the Horsemen in somewhat unexpected sorts of ways/putting a new spin on the kind of havoc the Horsemen cause. I did have a few problems with this episode, but on the wasn't too bad (though not as good as last week's).
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