Review of Blankman

Blankman (1994)
Mildy Amusing
11 February 2010
I found the character a bit annoying. The voice and the over the top awkwardness mostly.

On the bright side, the story was cute. Basically, a super hero parody, but on the light side. An event in the awkward and geeky Darrel's (sp?) life made him want to make a difference in the world. A lab accident led to a formula which made him somewhat indestructible.

Where the movie shined, was in some pretty good comic moments. The rorshach test was funny. There was a scene I am pretty sure was stolen from Live and Let Die, where the voodoo guy comes out of the ground. Just to name some.

There are better superhero movies. Some of the humor falls flat, or is cliché. The movie lacks focus at times, as another reviewer pointed out.

But if you want a mindless tribute to Batman (the campy TV version,) and like movie on the light hearted side, you might like this one. Very little mean humor, swearing, adult and potty humor, which in itself, is refreshing (I like that stuff from time to time, but I also like it when a movie makes do without it for a change of pace.)
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