Dirty Weekend (1993)
fat man must die for being fat
11 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A fat man, naked and, yes, ugly in his fatness, gives the heroine of this film two slaps for laughing at him in his nakedness. For that he gets a plastic bag over his head and is asphyxiated. Other men in this film treat the heroine worse but are not killed, for instance like the elderly scholar that dumps her. The whole point of the movie, if there was one, was that the viewer should be able to sympathize with the heroine, the way we did with Charles Bronson in "Death Wish". But how can we sympathize with pure fascism? Take away the scene with the fat man and you have, actually, a film that is decently indecent. Michael Winner is naughty and when he is that at the expense of power, everything is OK. This is only partly so here. Being naughty with the poor and downtrodden (like fat people) is decidedly not OK and a sure sign for bad character.
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