Review of Hard Times

Hard Times (2009)
Holy Galore
9 February 2010
At last, an film set in Ireland not about "the troubles" or the sleazier side of the working classes. Although, that's not to say this film isn't without it's sleazy characters. But, this is a fun film. In the tradition of the Ealing comedies, this tells the story of a sleepy town, filled with characters who live within each others pockets. In the town, four men, led by the village postman (who steals, rather than delivers the post), come up with a plan to hijack a truck filled with little blue pills (there was a disclaimer at the front of the film saying Pfizer wanted nothing to do with the depiction of their little blue pills - why? what else do people use them for?). Anyway ... they steal the pills, convinced they're worth a few thousand. But when Linda Hamilton and her SWAT team turn up, they realise they're worth considerably more. The four hijackers are in over their heads. They panic and put the pills into the local well. Guess what happens? Yep! This is a fun film, packed with gags. Some work, some don't, but the main thing is it's fun. Come on, we've seen Avatar, let's get behind a small film with big ideas. When I went to the screening of this film, it was by no means full, but those of us that were there were laughing. Often and loudly.
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