Clockwise (1986)
Solid and very funny farce
7 February 2010
A very fun film, despite the flaws, that is great fun to watch on multiple viewings. While I did find the film's structure occasionally episodic, the pacing sometimes a little too fast and the direction a tad on the leisurely side, it is a hugely enjoyable farce. The chief element that makes it so is the performance of John Cleese, his comic timing assures yet another really funny performance. He has been better but he is still the John Cleese I know and love. Sharon Maiden assists him well too, she really stands out among the cast who all do more than acceptably. The script is inspired and the sight gags are even better, the soundtrack is good and the camera work is fine. The film is typically 1980s, and that is not a bad thing, quite the contrary. While flawed, it is solid and very funny as a farce. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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