Fair Comedy, Great Ending
2 February 2010
Two Guys from Milwaukee (1946)

** (out of 4)

Warner comedy has Prince Henry (Dennis Morgan) landing in America but not wanting to do the normal Prince stuff like meetings and royal dinners. Instead he wants to see NYC and meet Lauren Bacall. He meets a taxi driver (Jack Carson) and the two hit it off until the Prince starts to have feelings for his girlfriend (Joan Leslie). I've read several positive reviews for this film but I must call it a pretty big disappointment for several reasons. I think my biggest problem with the film was that I simply didn't laugh at anything. I didn't laugh at the Prince getting drunk for the first time and I didn't laugh at anything that followed. The movie was fairly boring, although I give Morgan and Carson a lot of credit because you can tell they're giving it their all to try and get laughs but the screenplay really lets them down. For me the movie dragged from one scene to the next and none of them got any better or had any real energy that would keep me into the story. I think it was pretty predictable that the Prince would end up falling for his friends girlfriend and in many ways this isn't all that funny because I personally felt bad for the taxi driver. There's a running joke of the two men telling everyone that they're from Milwaukee but I didn't find this funny either. I think the film would have been better had the Prince actually done his first goal in trying new things. The movie seems to forget this and by the twenty-minute mark he pretty much knows his way around. The movie does end on a very good note when the Prince's main dream comes true but he also meets her better half.
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