30 January 2010
I love the books - full of humour, action, and a laff-a-minute. This production is anything but. It is sloooooow, it is baaaaaaad, it is boooooooring. Even the "action" scenes are sloooow and ponderous.

The casting is abysmal (I mean - grandpappy David Jason as Rincewind? Come ON!!!) Even the actors that *could* have been good make their best to outbad each other - Tim Curry vies for the Ham of the Year Award; Jeremy Irons, who could have made a *fabulous* Patrician if he only tried, turns what should have been a cold and calculating character into an effeminate fop with a speech impediment; and Sean Astin simply ruins every scene he is in (which is virtually the entire movie) by mustering all the acting skills of a grade school pageant.

All in all - simply shockingly BAD! I really had to steel myself not to turn it off after 30 minutes.

This is not a movie for watching, this a movie for lying down and AVOIDING!
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