Malibu Shark Attack (2008 TV Movie)
More horrible Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' rubbish.
1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Malibu Shark Attack is set in California on Malibu beach where lifeguard Heather (Peta Wilson) has personal problems, she is torn between her ex-Navy Seal ex-boyfriend who is also a lifeguard & her new boyfriend who is a contractor. However these insignificant problems pale into comparison with the huge tsunami that hits Malibu beach after an underground earthquake hits, after the tsunami hit & leaves the entire Californian coast in devastation & flooded Heather & her lifeguard mates face an even greater threat as the earthquake also made some vicious Goblin sharks very mad & now they are swimming though the flooded coast line looking for people to eat. With Heather & company trapped inside a wooden shack there is little hope they will manage to fend off the sharks & survive...

Directed by David Lister this yet another Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' original that quite frankly sucks, a horrible lifeless & dumb exercise in how to waste 90 odd minutes of your life. First of all I want to say that I think the plot is great, no really I do & not how it's used here in Malibu Shark Attack but the actual concept of hungry killer sharks stalking & eating people in flooded buildings or even entire towns which is just such a cool idea but predictably this cool idea is totally ruined here. I would describe Malibu Shark Attack as Baywatch (1989-2000) meets Deep Blue Sea (1999) with the lifeguard angle (they even wear those red skimpy outfits) & the killer shark thing, again a concept if done right could be smoking hot but yet again Malibu Shark Attack fails to deliver the goods. Malibu Shark Attack is just a really dumb film, when a mile high tsunami hits the lifeguards little wooden shack remains perfectly intact, there doesn't seem to be any rescue attempt or any sort of activity going on, the sharks seem to stay in the same place despite there having to be hundreds if not thousands of people in the water, the film never once deals with the devastation of the tsunami (expect that it show's a STOP sign in a puddle of water for one brief moment), all the phones are down as usual & no-one seems to have a mobile, even the builders working on a site are fit young women, using power tools to kill sharks underwater (water & electricity don't mix, right?), character's holding their breath underwater for like ten minutes at a time & just plain bad dialogue. There are many reasons why Malibu Shark Attack isn't a good film & why you should not bother watching it but if your interested enough in reading this or looking it up on the IMDb then you have already decided whether to watch it or not, just be prepared to be disappointed.

The type of shark used here in Malibu Shark Attack is the Goblin shark, apparently they are real even if they do look a bit silly although I have no idea if they would attack a person or not. The CGI computer effects are not the worst I have seen but they are far from good, also the same bloody shot of the sharks swimming towards/away/past the camera is used constantly with no real attempt to hide the fact it's the same shot, this also means that the sharks & actor's are very rarely in the same shot together. There's not much gore here, there's a severed arm, a couple of people with their legs bitten off & some blood stained water. The whole logistics of this film are just wrong, it just makes no sense. When the tsunami hits there's one single shot of a few houses underwater which is obviously culled news footage & then the floods are never really seen again (apart from that random STOP sign in a puddle of water).

The IMDb say this had a budget of about $3,000,000 which I don't believe for a second, I seriously doubt this had a budget over $1,000,000 & am almost certain it was less. The whole thing just looks cheap, the same CGI is used over & over again, they can't show the devastation caused by the tsunami & 90% of the film takes place in a wooden shack. The acting is bad although the cast is attractive so that helps & as soon as I saw him I said to myself that fat guy with a beard is going to get eaten because he isn't picture perfect model standard & I was right.

Malibu Shark Attack is another really bad Sci-Fi Channel creature feature about sharks, the idea is better than usual (no scientists using DNA or trying to create the ultimate weapon for the military) but nothing is done with concept & it just ends up being another stupid time waster with bad CGI & totally brainless character's.
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