Rann (2010)
cinema at its best....
28 January 2010
Rann is that rare cinema about the collective conscience which we often like to think has gone out of style.Rann shows how tough it is to hold your head high up in dignified righteousness in a world where ethics crumble faster than cookies in wide-open jar left out too long in the sun.

Cleverly, Ram Gopal Varma situates his morality tale in the cut-throat world of the electronic media where the TRP is God, and deadlines the devil. And may the voice of the conscience rest in peace.

Varma plunges us into the world of the characters that he knows only too well. The glistening sweat on ratings-challenged eyebrows are captured through tight close-ups of worried faces that give nothing and yet everything away.

The narrative is taut restless and biting in its depiction of corruption in supposedly responsible places. Ram Gopal Varma gives no space to the complicated labyrinth of relationships to grow. We are left to gauge the depths and dimensions that underline the furious flow of empathy and antipathy between various characters by reading between the lines.

Rann is a razor-sharp bitter and biting look at the real world of rapidly-moving moral issues. Varma extracts superlative performances from the entire cast.

From Ritesh Deshmukh's heartbreaking idealism to Amitabh bachchan's superb acting........everything in the movie is pitch perfect.....and the movie on whole is really gonna be applauded for its awesome screenplay......

RGV's best work after company!!

a must-watch!!!!
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