Review of Project X

Project X (1987)
It is a comedy the whole family can enjoy! No wait it is a emotional drama, no maybe a message movie?
31 January 2010
Hence the problem with the movie. It kind of reminds me of another Matthew Brodderick movie "Wargames" in that it starts out as a comedy then takes a turn to another genre and the comedy does not really come back after this turn of events. It did not really hurt that film, but it really hurts this one. Just seems to me you are going to put monkeys in your movie that it should be a comedy and a comedy the family can enjoy without having to explain the darker scenes and why the film is just not funny anymore. The story starts as this pilot is caught in an embarrassing situation and his punishment is to train chimps how to fly in a secret government project. A rather pointless project that you would figure any scientist could have brought the questions Brodderick's character does in the film about said film. There are some funny things during the film's first half though nothing hysterical. Just basic monkey stuff, which kids would enjoy. Then after Brodderick witnesses the project first hand all the humor disappears and so does any reason you might want your kid to watch this film as it does become more of a drama and if they are not severely upset by the film they will be severely bored with the movie.
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