Tick Tock (2000)
A surprisingly enjoyable thriller!
31 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers

I just watched this film, called 'A Friendship to Die For' on Lifetime and was pleasantly surprised by what an enjoyable thriller it was and the way the director told the story, constantly flashing back in time to view the scenario from a different characters' perspective was creative. There were many twists in this film and it did not follow a formulaic thriller plot which was refreshing. Just when you thought you knew what was going to happen, there would be a twist and then a flashback to show the audience how exactly that twist came to happen.

The story is basically about a murder plot that goes wrong and the antics that happen during the night to try and fix the crime, only things keep going wrong, things keep trying to be corrected and before the killer(s) know it, they are in over their heads.

My one gripe was the ongoing theme to see who could incriminate themselves more with DNA/Fingerprint evidence. The actual murder is committed in the nude telling the audience that said killer(s) is conscious of this type of thing yet once things start going wrong, DNA/Fingerprints don't really seem to be on the killer(s) mind(s) as he/she/they go from object to object touching at will and throw objects like a blood soaked dead body into a car trunk for transportation without even considering the DNA that will be left behind. It became comical at times which I don't really know if it that is a good or bad thing.

Also.. why, once the dead body went MIA, Megan Ward's character of Rachel didn't just call 911 and act like he was missing is beyond me. I guess they wouldn't have had a movie then. Ha.. since had she done that, she probably would have been home free since she had an alibi and the PI man had seen the cowboy's car at the home making him suspect number 1. Plus, the dead body would have eventually been found... Just a thought. It's almost certain that the cowboy would have gone down for the murder..but again, then we wouldn't have a movie. :)
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