Fire Is A Monster ? I Don't Think So
29 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's always a sign of a poor movie when the title of a film is entirely different from the credits is contradicted by its title elsewhere . Apparently the credits have WILDFIRES as they name of the movie but the channel that broadcast and the IMDb refer to it as FIRESTORM: LAST STAND AT YELLOWSTONE . Why is this ? Is it because someone somewhere realises that they've a terrible movie and they don't want to be associated with it ? Couldn't the entire cast and crew just refer themselves as " Alan Smithee " thereby saving themselves the embarrassment ? perhaps they could have made another movie thereby sparing us the ordeal of watching this one

Good to see other contributers to this site noticed the ridiculous opening sequence to the movie but it'd be impossible to not notice . A couple of backpackers see an inferno blazing a couple of miles away , decide it's too close for comfort then before you know it the fire is upon them . They manage to escape but this is a false ending and they get killed in a superimposed fireball . It's almost like a horror film where instead of a monster creeping up on people it's a fire

And the rest of the story continues in a similar manner . It's almost like watching a SF B movie from the 1950s cross bred with a soap opera . Tough butch firefighters argue with intellectual college frat boys . All this arguing has nothing to do with fighting fires though since they're both trying to impress the female fire ranger . Meanwhile a picnic is ruined when a tree suddenly decides to burst in to flame . There's no internal continuity to this . If hundreds of square miles of forest burn no one seems to notice . If the plot demands it there'll be a fire materializing from nowhere . No matter what the laws of science such as fire burning up surrounding oxygen are totally ignored in a film that is more concerned with the camera lens zooming in and out rather than telling a story
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