Review of Duck Soup

Duck Soup (1933)
did not age well
24 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I know it is a classic, but it did not flow as a movie with me. I also know that this was a different age for movies, but mainly it was not that funny. There were some really funny scenes mainly the mirror gag and the declaration of war dance number, but honestly at that point I was expecting song and dance numbers where as before that point I was not expecting any signing or dancing. I get where the humor was coming from, but it just was not funny to me. There were enough scenes that did not feel as if they belonged at all; mainly the peanut stand scenes. Also the fourth Marx brother was the most plastic performer there. Harpo was the best and would not have minded seeing more of his type of humor, but it just felt so out of place with the rest of the movie. The fact that it was short saved it from getting tiring, but it still dragged for me. I liked how the mustache was painted on. The fact that they got me a few laughs gives it a few points and then also the fact that they tried a few political jabs was interesting, but overall I felt more than a little disappointed. I really wanted to like it and having seen the mirror scene done by Lucille Ball and G. Marx I was not disappointed, but this version was funny, but as a movie not what I feel as if a modern film viewer would love.
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