Ellie Parker (2005)
I don't know who I am anymore.
23 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the spoiler so we get it out of the way. The point of the movie - and this is like so totally amazing when it hits you - is that when you're an actor and you're auditioning a lot you sometimes "don't know who you are anymore".

No really. That had never occurred to me. I bet it has never occurred to anyone else before either.

So if you like Naomi Watts and you wanted to see her in a vanity piece about how soul-suckingly painful "Hollywood" is. And, you know, that incredible revelation above. This is your movie.

Maybe you always wanted to see Naomi Watts talk on Oprah about how enervating Hollywood is. Or perhaps you wanted to see Naomi Watts play Rosanna Arquette - all those quirky ditzy quirky mannerisms that are a mask for the quirky girl underneath. Or you wanted to see Rosanna Arquette play Naomi Watts.

Or, hey, maybe you just wanted to see someone winge about how hard acting is when you are so good but the producers and your boyfriend and your agent are all jerks. And at times "you don't know who you are anymore."

If any of that speaks to you, this is your movie.

If you wanted humor, insight into Hollywood, acting, a decent script, a real (vs fake) cinema verity feel; or if you just don't like to see Naomi Watts be Naomi Watts for the 20th time; then you won't like this.
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