Hilarious surreal humor done right...and in a kids' show no less!
22 January 2010
Pete and Pete is really a classic Nickelodeon show, and one that should be remembered. Despite only lasting 3 seasons, and under 40 episodes, it is still remembered today and has picked up a cult status, as well it deserves. This show really has everything. It has great surreal humor, it has very good acting, and it has heart and emotion, but is never hokey or melodramatic. Pete and Pete is the perfect balance of everything that makes a comedy series great!

The show revolves around two brothers both named Pete. Big Pete (Michael Maronna) is the usual narrator of the show, and is somewhat of a voice of reason in his crazy family. Little Pete (Danny Tamberelli) is the little rule breaker who cares not for what others have to say. He is for child empowerment, and often fights against his parents. The two brothers contrast nicely, and play off each other very well. Big Pete is the straight man, where Little Pete is the comedian. In addition to the two leads, the show is full of eccentric weirdos that live in their town including Artie, the world's strongest man (Toby Huss), Stu the bitter and lonely bus driver (Damian Young), and many other oddballs.

The performances on this show were excellent! Other than the two main leads, and maybe a few other child characters, everyone else was so over the top. Pete and Pete's parents were hilarious, especially their dad (Hardy Rawls), who was a complete idiot and believed men were the greatest people on Earth, and that they deserve to conquer it. Toby Huss as Artie was so gloriously over the top, but never gave into being corny. Instead it was just stupidly hilarious. Wonderful performances through and through!

The direction in the show is great, and the writing is top notch also. Episodes have emotion and realism to them, while still being goofy and surreal. It's this great mixture that makes Pete Nad Pete a cult classic, and one of Nickelodeon's best programs.

My rating: **** out of ****. 30 mins.
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