NY-LON (2004)
I had high hopes for this, but was disappointed.
21 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show feels like it was written by a team of hormonal teenagers. The conversations do not flow, and characters get into fights over insignificant things but then are fine 20 seconds later. The writing is probably the worst I've ever seen, and it absolutely kills this show.

Characters have contradictory "quirks". Like Michael. He's a money/power-hungry stock broker in London but he is a romantic and willing to sacrifice it all for his nephew or for Edie. Edie works in a used record store and teaches illiterate adults at night; so she's obviously a caring individual with a lot of compassion for the human condition. But she drops it all and abandons her job and one of her students for a weekend in a lame attempt to be "spontaneous".

Basically, there was no connectivity between events, characters, or episodes.

This was an okay premise and could have a been a hit, but the writing ruined it.
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