Review of REC

REC (2007)
Proof that true Thrillers are created beyond the US Borders
20 January 2010
I have disliked Horror and Scary films for a long time, probably around my very beginnings of my teenage years. I believe it is because the 'slasher' films made up the going fad for the past several decades of American Film. It wasn't until years later where I discovered Zombie films where I began to just justify my horror collection as ZOMBIE only. However after even more years, I was introduced to foreign films. And better yet, foreign horror flicks.

Non-Japanese-Horror to be specific. And this proves the Latin-community truly knows how to creep out it's viewers and still come out with a PLOT in the end. I know. A plot + horror? That's not proper English edict, but this film does it well.

The movie takes on the Amero-unpopular camcorder perspective and does it right. (That's right, pot shots on Cloverfield). The acting is prime as well. I remember watching the first ten minutes and commenting on how real the people were. Perhaps the unfamiliar faces helped, but all the same, you can trick your more gullible friends into believing this is a true-story. Seriously. It wouldn't be difficult.

Is the film a Zombie film? Many people have vaguely put it as one. And as a unofficiando of Zombie films, I will say it can rightfully have the title as a zombie flick.

If none of this answered your questions. Just remember. This film delivers on a 98% on the realism scale as far as personalities, reactions, and gore. Giving just enough for creativeness such as "Jumping in just in time to gore a man's throat open". If you want to see a good horror film that actually comes out with a plot, or just a good film that will give you the creeps that will last a few tens of minutes (or more?), get this film and show it to your friends.

And on a final note. Yes, duh, this film is better than Quarantine. However, both are worth checking out, and watching Quarantine afterward will make you appreciate Rec even more.
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