Daybreakers (2009)
The pieces are better than the whole
18 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Plague has turned most of the population into vampires who have taken over the world and begun feasting on the remaining humans. The trouble is that the human population is running out and unless they can find a blood substitute they are going to starve. Ethan Hawke plays the chief vampire hematologist who harbors a soft spot for humans, and who stumbles upon a way of possibly saving everyone.

Directed and written by Michael Spierig and Peter Spierig who turned out the great looking but dramatically messy The Undead about a meteor that turns a small town into zombies, we're once more into the great looking but dramatically odd territory. Much of the film looks like a vampire film noir. It looks like a Sam Spade will come wandering in at any moment. The horror sequences are bloody and frightening, the action is often amazing. The problem here is the story. While its not all over the place like the directors' earlier film it does have plot holes and at times lurches from things to thing in a none too natural manner. I was frequently wanting to stop and ask questions about why and how since little seems clear unless you just take it all on faith. I couldn't do that because the film was asking me to believe too many impossible things. the result was I was loving the pieces but only kind of liking the whole.

I'd wait for home video.
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