A Wind Named Amnesia (1990 Video)
There are many anime gems out there...
18 January 2010
... and this is not one of them. I love anime, I really do. Especially deep, thought provoking ones like Perfect Blue and Monster. This anime tries to be what those anime are but pretty much fails for the most part.

Some of you reading this might be thinking that I didn't like it because of the terrible dubbing but the thing is, I always watch subs for foreign films whenever I have the option and this movie was no exception.

It starts out pretty interesting. Just about all mankind loses it's memories and thus goes to the primitive version of itself when the amnesia wind strikes. What impressed me was that, unlike in Hollywood movies, they actually forgot everything including how to speak. Mankind has now become very savage and naive. There are only a few people, who know how to speak and the value of human culture, including the main character Wataru, his deceased friend Johnny, the very mysterious Sophia and others who come later in the plot.

The things that bother me about this film are many. Firstly, the animation is not very stellar and the visuals are pretty dull. I know it's a pretty old movie and the budget was probably low but films released at about the same time or even much earlier had better animation and visuals. Take Akira or Street Fighter as examples. Other than that, the action scenes are, for the most part, quite repetitive, long and boring. The romance element is pretty dumb as there is almost no connection or chemistry between Wataru and Sophia. Also, the nudity shown the anime has no point at all. There is also a sex scene which was pretty random and had nothing whatsoever to do with the plot. Plus, the ending is pretty inconclusive (a problem with a lot of anime) and we have almost no idea why the wind occurred. The answer to the question that Wataru was searching for throughout the film was left completely unresolved and for a very retarded reason too. The revelation as to who was behind the wind has no surprising impact at all as it was done so suddenly without any kind of build up or approach.

What else can I say, other than the general plot this is a pretty weak anime. The execution is really mediocre, and if it weren't for the fact that this is an anime, my favourite form of visual entertainment, I would've been much harsher on it. There are many many better anime out there.
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