Review of Warriors

Warriors (1994)
Gary Busey, Dead Or Alive
15 January 2010
Warriors is a Canadian production which follows the lead of most films from our northern neighbor in that you take one or two American actors for some kind of box office and then the rest of the cast is filled with Canadians. Could things have been that bad for Gary Busey and Michael Pare that this was the best offer they could get in 1994?

One thing I have to give the Canadians credit for, by making this an American story they don't have to explain why we've got an elite team of anti-social assassins who can only be housed in prison because all their moral sense of conscience has been driven out of them.

Of course when that happens even though you're treated as really elite prisoners, you do get a yen to see something of the outside world between killing missions. Which is what happens to Gary Busey the team leader. When he goes AWOL, the government uses a guy Busey trained in Michael Pare to bring him back, dead or alive.

Somehow some prostitute played by Wendi Fulford gets involved in the Busey hunt with Busey. And Pare in his attempts to get Busey was starting to remind me of Wile E. Coyote.

Another film acted by players who looked like they were hoping the paychecks would clear. Skip this one by all means.
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