18-Year-Old Virgin (2009 Video)
More than you expect from a B-Movie
15 January 2010
This movie is a strange combination of a typical teen party b-movie with gratuitous topless nudity, and the second half is almost entirely a string of sexual situations. It really pushes the envelope in a couple places with its raunch and yet has two competent likable actors in it, especially the lead female, Olivia Alaina May, without whom this movie probably could not have been released. She manages to be both the sex object and yet the innocent character at the same time, convincingly playing a total innocent among the more perverted. This movie is a strong R, so parents and the prudish should have no illusions about its content. It's almost beyond American PIe, close to Woody Allen's Everything..Sex except nowhere near as good.

It manages to have a point to it, and some serious things to say about coming of age in the middle of a lot of over-the-top scenes. It also has a sweet ending to it. I would say it was a brave film, but I think more likely it was obligated to be a b-movie softcore teen American Pie-style film, and the director, writers and lead actress managed to salvage something more.

It's not often you see an actress get nearly nude on multiple occasions and yet still respect her acting ability. I hope industry people see this in the film and don't tar her for it. She reminded me of a young Susan Sarandon. There are a fair amount of technical glitches, and it is clearly low budget, but I found it original, funny and charming. I think its main lead actress May has obvious star quality, and the lead actor isn't bad either.
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