The version I saw of Neil Diamond: Hot August Night/NYC was quite entertaining to me
14 January 2010
Just watched on a recorded DVD disc this CBS special that I time recorded last August. It begins with a POV shot of the Brooklyn Bridge with Mr. Diamond in VO mentioning going to New York across that bridge to find fame and fortune. He later goes back to his old neighborhood, to his old family apartment where he tells the current tenant of his childhood times skating on the upper floor before stopping because of someone living below tapping her broom on the ceiling. The songs he sings in concert-at least on the special I watched are: "Cracklin' Rosie", "Cheery, Cheery", "Sweet Caroline", "Forever in Blue Jeans", some others I didn't know, and for the finale, "America". The show is quite entertaining throughout with Neil in as good a voice as ever. So on that note, I'm sure the extended DVD will be even better!
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