The low point of danish TV Drama
14 January 2010
"Gøngehøvdingen" represents the most embarrassing chapter of danish TV history. A history that includes series from the likes of writer Leif Panduro in the 60's, 70's, culminating with the much loved "Matador" in the early 80's. Since followed in the 90's and 00's with the Emmy winning "Rejseholdet", "Ørnen" etc. There is hardly any aspect of "Gøngehøvdingen" that is not an embarrassment to danish television. Sets are incredibly poor, lines are corny and reminiscent of cheap children's TV. Many of the actors are otherwise talented, but struggle to make the story work in spite of a pathetic script. Direction seems non existent, and the scenes seem to be made up exclusively of first takes. It is hard to watch "Gøngehøvdingen" without constantly cringing or laughing out loud.
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