Fatal Rescue (2009)
14 January 2010
This film was ridiculous! I hope Guttenburg was paid all his money upfront. The parents of a boy stuck down a well, continuously leave the site to go off and argue - continuously. Just when you think the dopey mother would shut up about what she thinks her almost divorced husband is guilty of, she starts up again and again and again. There is one segment of almost five minutes when they both (the mother could do it herself?) run up to the house to get a device so their drowning child can breath underwater and they stand in the attic for ages arguing interminably. Like that would happen! This mother leaves the well side all the time. No mother would. All ends well however, when the child who has drowned, is rescued and brought back to life by his father who has finally decided to spend some time with his son. And he (Guttenburg) and his dopey wife decide to try again, she grinning like she never hated his guts. Awful!
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