Seinfeld: The Engagement (1995)
Season 7, Episode 1
The Engagement is a classic for many reasons, it's pure Seinfeld hilarity.
11 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"What are we doing? what kind of lives are these? Were children, were definitely not men".-Jerry Seinfeld.

"What are you thinking about? Marriage?, Family?. There man-made prisons, you're doing time!".-Kramer.

"Susan: I just want you to know, I love your son very much. Estelle: You do? May I ask why?".

.Cop Knocks on Newman's door. "Newman: What took ya so long?".

The Story here is that, Jerry and George make a pact to change there lives, to try love like normal people, only Jerry does not change, thanks to Kramer's opinion about marriage. George ends up regrettably proposing to Susan. Elaine has dogs outside her apartment, who refuse to shut up, so she enlists Kramer and Newman to help her out.

The Engagement was the 1st time that we didn't see a Seinfeld episode, start with a stand up routine, from Jerry Seinfeld. Instead it cuts straight to the chase, with George and his girlfriend playing chess. In one of the funniest bits in the entire episode, George gets annoyed, because his girlfriend beats him at chess, typical hilarious George response "I don't think we should each other anymore". I thought the Elaine not being able to sleep cause of the dogs, wasn't quite as funny as George and Jerry's, it just seemed too ordinary for Seinfeld. That being said, I still laughed at it.

What's so funny about George is, he's always jumping to conclusions in his mind, and ends up acting on them, without thinking it through. Seeing his reactions watching happily taken couples, while sitting on a park bench, imagining his own scenario's with Susan in flashback montage, is pretty hysterical itself. Heidi Swedberg is an exceptionally beautiful woman, and that's what makes George's well know disdain for her eventually once again, hilarious. Larry always has these funny little things, that he puts into his episodes, he'll even go as far as to someone who eats pea's, one at a time, and that's a big reason, that makes this show outrageously funny. Jerry's deliberate overacting is hilarious, when ever he does it. The way he yells "YOUR GETTING MARRIED" is very funny. I also enjoyed Ed O'Ross in his cameo, as a cop.

Bottom Line. The Engagement is a classic episode, in every way possible. imaginative humor and classic sequences, make this one, a memorable one.

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