Death Warrant (1990)
i'm the sandman.......
10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Death Warrant, or the film where Van Dammes voice broke is an odd affair. It's not like really any of his other films, it's very dark and gloomy but still has some great fights in it.

the story is something about human organs being harvested by the prison, and Van Damme goes in there undercover to find out what in the hell is going on.

About halfway through the film,'the sandman' becomes an inmate, and before you know it, he tells everyone that Van Damme is a cop, and probably the fact that he is from Belgium too.

This is when the action really begins, but not in very large amounts. Van Damme is very broody and mumbles a lot through the film, there are good cops, bad guards, cross dressing prisoners, and red herrings galore.

It's not the best film he has made, but it's far from the worst.

If you are a fan of Van Damme, it's well worth seeing. He does his trademark roundhouse kick a few times, and the fight at the end has the good old editing that makes Van Damme look like he kicks the bloke twenty times, when really he does it once.

very dark at times, narrative could be better, bit it's a cannon film, so it's ultimately a guilty pleasure.
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